In the end of his address to Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association in 1933 titled "The marquis and the land agent: a tale of the 18th century", the Association president G. N. Watson says:
My final task is to express my gratitude to Prof. Neville for having made the extremelly happy suggestion of an exhibition of books on elliptic functions...
and the editor adds:
The exhibition consisted of 97 volumes, and included all but very few existing books on elliptic functions....Before the collection is dispersed, the most careful bibliographical record will be compiled, and it is hoped that this list will become of permanent value to librarians and scholars.
My source: Math. Gazette 17 (1933) 5-17. The opening page of this issue explains the circumstances under which the exhibition was held:
The Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association was held at the Institute of Education on 5th-6th January, 1933. . . . A Publishers' Exhibition was open during the two days.
My question: Is there any way to find this list (if it was ever published)?
I searched for publications in this journal with title words "books", "elliptic" but had no success. (Watson's talk is about the founders of the theory, Fagnano and Landen). The following issue (May 1933) of this journal contains reprints of most of the talks that were given during the Annual Meeting, but it does not contain the list of books at the Exhibition.
Remark. Zentralblatt finds only 15 books with "Elliptische Funktionen" in the title published in 1850-1933, and 4 books with Elliptische Integrale.