In a few places, such as this web page, I have read the following statement about Jean Dieudonné, who was a founding member of the French "secret society" of mathematicians, Nicolas Bourbaki:
Dieudonné stated the view that most workers in mathematics were doing ground-clearing work, in order that a future Riemann could find the way ahead intuitively open.
I have two questions:
- Is there a reliably-sourced quote that can be directly attributed to Dieudonné where he expresses this sentiment? I have been unable to find such a quote. If such a quote exists, it might be in French.
- What did Dieudonné mean by this? That is, what did he expect that a future mathematician would do that was reminiscent of Riemann's work? If a direct quote is found as in the last question, its surrounding context might shed light on this matter.