When I have time later I might return to this and try to provide additional exposition directly addressing your question, maybe quote something relevant from Crowe's A History of Vector Analysis (a book I've been reading the past 2 months; I'm now a little more than half-way through it). However, for now I thought it would be useful to provide some older books (and a couple of papers by Hamilton) to look at. As for the books, besides glancing through their table of contents, reading their prefaces, etc., I also recommend reading reviews of these books, which are easy to find by googling the author's last name and the book's title in google-books (date-restrict from the publication date to about 5 years later). I’ve included links to the book reviews I know about.
Every link below is freely available on the internet, at least where I am. Probably all of the books are also freely available online at the Internet Archive (easiest way: google the book's title, maybe author's last name if the title is fairly generic, along with the "word" archive.org), but probably not all of the reviews can be found elsewhere online (freely or otherwise). If you really want to dive into the older literature on quaternions, you’ll want to make use of Macfarlane’s Bibliography of Quaternions and Allied Systems of Mathematics (1904).
1843 On a new species of imaginary quantities connected with a theory of quaternions by Hamilton
1844 Additional researches in the theory of quaternions by Hamilton
1853 Lectures on Quaternions by Hamilton
review in The North American Review (a review known as one of the most over-the-top-with-praise review ever of a math book)
1866 Elements of Quaternions by Hamilton
review in Philosophical Magazine
1867 An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions by Tait
1873 An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions by Tait (2nd edition)
review in Philosophical Magazine
1876 Introduction to Quaternions by Kelland/Tait
review in Nature
1881 Elements of Quaternions by Hardy
review in The Ohio Educational Monthly; review in Wisconsin Journal of Education; review in Science; review in The Westminster Review; review in Popular Science Monthly
1882 Introduction to Quaternions by Kelland/Tait (2nd edition)
1890 An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions by Tait (3rd edition)
1894 The Outlines of Quaternions by Hime
review in Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution; review in Educational Times; review in Mathematical Gazette; review in The Academy (begins middle of middle column); review in Philosophical Magazine; review in Nature; review in American Mathematical Monthly; review in Science (begins middle of right column)
1896 A Primer of Quaternions by Hathaway
review in The Literary Era; review in Physical Review; review in Science (top-most paragraph on left column of p. 700); review in Electrical Engineering
1899 Elements of Quaternions by Hamilton (2nd edition, Volume I, edited by Joly)
1901 Elements of Quaternions by Hamilton (2nd edition, Volume II, edited by Joly)
review in Nature (Vol. I); review in Philosophical Magazine (Vol. I & II); review in Science (Vol. I & II); review in Nature (Vol. II)
1904 Introduction to Quaternions by Kelland/Tait (3rd edition; prepared by Knott)
review in Nature; review in The Cambridge Review; review in Mathematical Gazette
1904 Bibliography of Quaternions and Allied Systems of Mathematics by Macfarlane
review in Nature; review in Philosophical Magazine; review in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
1905 A Manual of Quaternions by Joly
review in Mathematical Gazette; review in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; review in Nature; review in The School World; review in Technics