Adding to Conifold's excellent answer and stretching the scope of the question, the first to fully understand the importance of signed lines, areas, volumes and hypervolumes in any dimension is very likely Hermann Grassmann and his "Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre" (1844), solving how to unify all boundary to interior relationships in orientable settings linear algebraically, hence enabling what today we call generalized Stokes.
Using Kannenberg's English translation (1995) Grassmann says in the preface of his book:
The initial incentive was provided by the consideration of negatives
in geometry.
He gives an example of how sum of lines does not change if you allow for negative lengths as an example of his thinking then:
While I was pursuing the concept of the product in geometry as it had
been established by my father*, I concluded that not only rectangles
but also parallelograms in general may be regarded as products of an
adjacent pair of their sides, provided one again interprets the
product, not as the product of their lengths, but as that of the two
displacements with their directions taken into account.
And he says that checking the previous idea that summation formulas still hold is indeed the case even then.
This new product we today call the exterior product and Grassmann notes that initially its anti-symmetry is perplexing, in modern notation $a\wedge b=-b\wedge a$. But this of course is precisely the keeping track of orientation.
Grassmann is aware of the benefits of this to the analytic setting and he remarks that Lagrange's work in analytic mechanics can be drastically simplified using this approach.
Grassmann at this stage is still emphasizing dimensions 1 through 3, describing how one can step up a dimension by keeping track of orientations. But he also states that "but in pure extension theory their number can be infinitely increased." Number her being dimension.
The reason why I wanted to add this here is the remarkable explicitness in Grassmann's tackling of orientation, which seems to me to be different to earlier cases of use of oriented areas. Orientation is not just a useful observation or property, it's the central concept that drives his discoveries.