There are certain explanations on how integers might have evolved, like for example "the wings of a bird to symbolize the number two, clover--leaves three, the legs of an animal four, the fingers on his own hand five."$_1$ Seeing all these, and making experience short--abstract, can be said to have given the numbers$_2$. Egyptian integer number notation can itself be traced back to their notion of marks on tally (for the sign of one), hobble for cattle (for ten), measuring rope (for hundred).$_3$
Similarly what are the explanations given for the evolution of fractions in Egypt, by any of the found evidence? Did division discovery gave raise to fractions or fractions discovery gave raise to division, in Egypt?
Book and journal reading suggestions would also be helpful.
$_1$Tobias Dnatzig, Number: The Language of Science
$_2$This expression can be found in Hamilton's letter of Sep.16, 1828, in the book Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton.
$_3$Annette Imhausen, Mathematics in Ancient Egypt: A Contextual History Page No.18-21.