How did people count seconds? How did people count minutes? How come that every second of a clock takes exactly as much time as needed to be 86400 to fulfill 24 hours and 31536000 to fulfill a year? How was time divided when people didn't have any electricity or devices to count time with? I've heard of the Roman clock (is that what it's called) and hourglasses, but those don't explain how someone could actually divide time. How did people divide an exact day to 24 hours, then 60 minutes and then 60 seconds to get exactly as much as they needed? And when they counted it correctly, how did they redo the count? Did musicians maybe remember how long a second lasts as they have rhythmical talent? I really don't understand how people actually made clocks. I don't even know if this question exists and where on StackExchange.
Does anyone have any idea?