Basically, the square root operation was discovered and proved rigorously from the Pythagorean theorem, it was denoted by square root of a rational number say $n$ as $\sqrt{n}$, but at a later stage, it used to be denoted by fractional power equals to $1/2$, also for multi-square root operation for say a prime number $p$ as $\sqrt[2^{n}]{p}$ or $p^{2^{- n}}$, for some positive integer $n$, and then this was so generalized to any fraction number
But, the power or exponent operation was basically defined for positive integer numbers, where the number of using the multiplication operation is basically a natural number such that it makes sense, and this was simply generalised to a ricipricical or the inverse of the integer number of power operation to be extended to negative integers
To illustrate that simply in examples for say $n^3 = n*n*n$, so we used the multiplication operation twice which is an integer number of times
And generally, we use the multiplication operation as ($k - 1$) times, to express a power integer $n^k$ for $k$ positive integer
But what does it mean when the exponent provided is a fraction number in accordance with the sensible basic definition of power integer?
Does that mean that an integer is multiplied by itself a fractional number of times? which seems meaningless