I don't think Einstein completely rejected quantum Mechanics, but he did disagree with other people's interpretations and opinions. He said "God does not play dice with the universe." At the subatomic and quark scales of size, God DOES play dice with the Universe. Let's not get diverted into whether God exists or not.
I'd have to look up if he said anything about about or Heisenberg about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, basically that just by observing and trying to measure something you disturb t and change the system assuming the system is a closed system,. LOTS of people disagree about whether the Universe is completely "closed" system or no, Often that is based in their own ignorance.
Einstein was just one of many people who shattered the classical Newtonian "model" of a clockwork Universe. Disagreement and peer review is part of of the scientific method, which basically is a logical objective guessing game with flashes of serendipity and inspiration. it took me about 15 to 20 minutes for my master's thesis to admit that and to agree that usually most scientists will NOT admit to that because peer pressure and the risk of damaging their won credibility with the general public, and he may have been thinking their students. i was his last graduate student. and retirement and becoming an Emeritus professor was less than 3 years in the future for him. of course this conversation was late Friday afternoon conversation as well that went on past 5 pm.
Objective, logical, analytical, critical and unbiased thinking is NOT "normal" Way to think for anyone, Including people who think deductively rather inductively. We each have our own unique perspective of the universe. We each live in out own subjective universes. "Truth" is subjective is too. What may be 'true' for you, may be fatal for me.. Survival of the fittest is what it is all about.
I don't think Einstein rejected all of quantum mechanics. He wasn't that closed minded completely stuck in the paradigm that he had shattered along with other people. As someone else has already said, entire books have been written about this.