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1 answer

What are some examples of elegant solutions?

There are various problems in history such as the Basel problem which was solved by Euler using the Taylor expansion of the sine, then later by Cauchy by bounding the partial sum, both solutions were ...
Philosophical Nature's user avatar
16 votes
10 answers

Folk stories and notions in mathematics that are likely false, inaccurate, apocryphal, or poorly founded?

There are numerous popular folklore stories in mathematics, and it is an interesting question to understand the accuracy of these folk stories. Folklore stories, and urban legends are subborn things, ...
Georg Essl's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Math concepts introduced by physicists and made rigorous later

I am looking for mathematical concepts (*) which have been introduced by physicists in a non rigorous way (e.g. without a formal definition, without rigorous proofs of the results, etc.) and used to ...
Weier's user avatar
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16 votes
10 answers

Works of scientists, philosophers and mathematicians that (re)surfaced after a long time

Sometimes, for one reason or the other, the works of scholars get lost. In some cases, they're lost forever. This happened to many books during the fire of the library of Alexandria, for instance. ...
Max Muller's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Who are some scientists that were convicted for non-war non-political crimes?

I discovered that John Robert Schrieffer (Nobel Prize in Physics 1972 for superconductivity theory) was in prison after a tragic car accident (1 person died, 7 were injured) where he was driving ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

Who are the youngest mathematicians that published an original research article in a peer-reviewed journal?

There is a lot of interesting information about young mathematicians, but I cannot find any information about the youngest mathematician that published an original research article in a peer-reviewed ...
Miskolin's user avatar
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5 votes
10 answers

What are some famous named groups of scientists?

Scientists are often associated together and get famous group names. In physics, I know of Via Panisperna boys (Enrico Fermi and co. working in Rome in nuclear physics) Princeton string quartet (...
Mauricio's user avatar
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25 votes
9 answers

What scientists and mathematicians were afraid to publish their findings?

Background I am interested in scientists and mathematicians that were afraid to publish their findings during their lifetime, and to what degree such fears hinder scientific progress. So far, I've ...
Max Muller's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Examples of flattering comments from a famous scientist concerning a young colleague

I want to know examples of very flattering comments from famous scientists or mathematicians concerning younger colleagues. Here's an example of what I have in mind (I shall provide more as an answer):...
José Carlos Santos's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What research articles were inspired by web comics?

Currently, I'm doing a PhD on the applications of algorithms to generate timelines of textual content. Recently, I found an article entitled StoryFlow: Tracking the Evolution of Stories by S. Liu et ...
Max Muller's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

References on the role of diagrams in scientific advancement

A number of diagrammatic formulations have played an important role in the advancement of science. Some embody representations of physical phenomena, while others model mathematical or logical ideas ...
Max Muller's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Engineering problems leading to mathematical research

I would like to know examples of mathematical research which had its origin in engineering problems (I am mainly interested in mechanical engineering and civil engineering) and which was actually ...
José Carlos Santos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Scientific Collaborations during World War

Nowadays, scientific progress is often based on very big collaborations, like the discovery of gravitational waves by the Ligo and Virgo collaborations. But also in many other branches of science, ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is there any theorem/physical law with different names in more than two different languages/regions?

Mathematical statements and physics equations often are named after a person (like Pythagoras theorem or Newton's second law). Reading from different authors with different origins one may sometimes ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What were some historically important Fermi estimates in the history of science?

What were some back-of-the-envelope estimates that scientists made where the result of the estimate was important to either the intellectual development of the field or had significant social ...
Mark Eichenlaub's user avatar
25 votes
14 answers

What are examples of serendipity in the history of the sciences and math?

Cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered after Penzias & Wilson couldn't get rid of the noise generated by their horn. In fact, the noise was their discovery. The strings in string ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

List of Nobel laureates classified by majors

I have been looking for a list of Nobel laureates classified by their majors, e.g., electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. Since some of them may have changed the major from master ...
electrical apprentice's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Examples of when statistical distributions like Binomial or Normal distribution was critical in a law/policy decision, in a court case or otherwise

This was closed as off-topic on, and it was suggested I post this here, so here goes. Firstly, I am aware that this thread exists, and I'll definitely be ordering a copy of the book, "...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Experimenters regretting throwing away data?

Modern experiments, especially in fields like particle physics, often collect far more data than they can process and save. Similarly, I can imagine that historical experimenters were limited by how ...
Heisenbugs's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Differences between modern and old mathematical notations

Note: I didn't write the word "ancient" in the title because I want to see the notation from 1400 A.D. to 1700 A.D. Mathematical notation has changed very much from the past millennium, and ...
russian bot's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Great scientists with chaotic private lives

In the arena of art, it is not uncommon to find great writers, composers or painters who suffer from chaotic personal lives (e.g., lifelong alcoholism, addiction to prostitutes, stormy marriages and ...
pamplemousse's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are some of the unsolved mathematical problems posed and stated clearly prior to the year 1900?

I chose year 1900 because of: "Hilbert's problems are twenty-three problems in mathematics published by German mathematician David Hilbert in 1900. The problems were all unsolved at the time, and ...
Grešnik's user avatar
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11 votes
17 answers

Examples of papers co-authored by parent/child, or siblings

I hope this question is not inappropriate for this site; I found hsm.stackexchange better suited for it than MathOverflow or math.stackexchange. The motivation for it is just curiosity. Question: ...
Torsten Schoeneberg's user avatar
85 votes
18 answers

Examples of when the professional scientists or mathematicians were wrong, but the nonprofessionals were right

What are the most glaring examples — if any — of when the professional scientists or mathematicians were wrong, but the nonprofessionals were right?
Seth Rich's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Pop-sci books that were publicly influential but based on weak science

(I hope this is on-topic on this site) I am wondering what are some of the best examples of popular-science books that had large influence in public, but was based on weak science? By "large ...
Eff's user avatar
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1 answer

Real effects long thought to be coincidences

What examples are there of scientific effects or correlations that we now know to be real, and were known about for a long time but thought to be coincidences? To give an example of the kind of thing ...
user7951's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Mathematics PhD dissertations that opened a new field of research

I propose this as a companion wiki page to the one about PhD dissertations which contain a solution to an open problem in the style of big-list questions, thinking ...
Bence Mélykúti's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Contribution of non-western mathematics to modern mathematics

When I talk about the western mathematical tradition, I think roughly of the mathematics done by the Greeks, and then take up by European countries and then countries with primarily European ...
Christopher King's user avatar
47 votes
45 answers

Which mathematicians died very young or in a tragic way?

When I first thought of this question, I wanted to ask: If you could give one mathematician his remaining life until an average age for the time he lived in, who would you choose? However, this ...
wythagoras's user avatar
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