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Questions tagged [statistical-mechanics]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Did Democritus predict atoms using sharp phase transitions

In the Wikipedia page for the Ising Model it is written without citations: One of Democritus' arguments in support of atomism was that atoms naturally explain the sharp phase boundaries observed in ...
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What was Boltzmann's contribution to the theory of "statistical ensemble"?

In the book "Ludwig Boltzmann, the man who trusted atoms"by C.Cercignani, I read about the thesis according to which it was Boltzmann, not Gibbs who first introduced the concept of "...
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Origin of diagrammatics illustrating the relation between cumulants and moments?

The exponential-log transformation of exponential generating functions (see OEIS A036040 and A127671) relate the classical cumulants to their associated moments. Who were some of the first to ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Why are Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) named after Bose and Einstein?

Why are Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) named after Bose and Einstein? What did Einstein contribute to BECs?
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