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12 votes

When was nicotine identified as an addictive substance?

It is a blunder, but there is a saving grace to it, even two. Nicotiana is the Latin name of tobacco, and it was in use as early as 16th century, and not just by botanists. Moreover, for the first 50 ...
Conifold's user avatar
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8 votes

Who first discovered or invented the concept of "muscle memory"?

Galton's 1883 mention of "muscular memory" quoted by OED is not its earliest occurrence. The loose idea had common currency at the time, mostly based on self-introspection and common ...
Conifold's user avatar
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6 votes

Popper on Marx, Freud and Darwin

Popper's main idea about the demarcation problem : pseudo-science is untestable, is a marvel of simplicity : On this criterion of demarcation physics, chemistry, and (non-introspective) psychology, ...
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
4 votes

Was Freud a scientist? If so, does this mean psychoanalysis is a scientific method?

I cannot contribute what I consider an answer, but here are some thoughts about the posed question. It seems to me that the very notion of "what questions are being asked" are of interest ...
Georg Essl's user avatar
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How did scientists thought about human motivation before the term willpower came into fashion?

Scientific psychology only came into being in 19th century, at the end of 18th Kant, now considered one of its forefathers, even opined that psychology can never be a science. Before that it was ...
Conifold's user avatar
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3 votes

Who first discovered or invented the concept of "muscle memory"?

The earliest quotation of "muscular memory" the OED gives is: 1883 F[rancis] Galton [1822-1911] Inq[uiries into] Human Faculty 106 which gives an example from painting: There is abundant ...
Geremia's user avatar
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2 votes

What was the work of Robert Muchielli's, a French psychologist, role in the Rwandan Genocide?

–– Note: this currently answers the first revision of the question. The current edit invalidates this answer. It seems to be a bit more indirect than how I read your question. But here are the ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
1 vote

Why coin "Apophänie" for delusional revelations of a schizophrenic?

Apophenia "makes appear" or "manifest" meaningful patterns and connections where there are none. Conrad, of course, had in mind severe forms of it. He talks about Aha-Erlebnis (aha ...
Conifold's user avatar
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1 vote

When was nicotine identified as an addictive substance?

According to discover magazine: Tobacco kills hundreds of thousands of people every year but the addictive substance has a complex history. For many Native Americans tobacco has been ritually for ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
1 vote

What is a vortex?

As far as I remember, there was some explanation in 'The History of the theories of aether and electricity", Vol. 1.
sciart's user avatar
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1 vote

Harm of nature vs nurture debate?

No, at least not in the academic sector. It it now commonly held knowledge that it is not one or the other, but the interaction between nature and nurture that shapes an individual. The "debate" ...
Dr. Mom's user avatar
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