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Geremia's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
19 votes

Is this Einstein rejection letter fake?

15 votes

Which physicist is this quote attributed to?

15 votes

Whose shoulders did Newton stand on?

10 votes

Hidden agenda of the Galileo trial?

9 votes

Historical Survey of Statistical Mechanics

9 votes

Electromagnetic constants and the speed of light

8 votes

Who originally derived the general force law equation of force between current elements?

8 votes

Did Einstein really say: "If I were wrong, it would only take one."

7 votes

Who discovered the magnetic vector potential, $\vec{A}$?

6 votes

What did Einstein learn in his university electricity and magnetism courses?

6 votes

Seeking sources: Catholic church and the development of mathematics

5 votes

Who wrote down the equations governing gravity in a field language for the first time?

5 votes

What were the criticisms against the introduction of "vector analysis"?

5 votes

Why do Maxwell's equations bear his name?

5 votes

What were standard university texts in algebra in the mid 19th century?

5 votes

Did Maxwell originally write his equations using quaternions?

5 votes

What animals or plants were used to illustrate ideas of physics?

4 votes

Why did Schrödinger write a letter to Einstein “apologizing profusely for his duplicity”?

4 votes

Why is the amount of charge needed to generate 1 unit of electric flux, called permittivity?

4 votes

How did early scientists know if a current was changing direction? (AC vs. DC)

4 votes

How did Lagrange get his equation (the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation)

4 votes

Who discovered the Virial Theorem?

4 votes

Who invented/discovered angular momentum?

4 votes

When did physicists begin using the symbol $G$ for Newton's gravitational constant?

4 votes

Who discovered paramagnetism first?

4 votes

How did German become the language of science?

4 votes

What are some of the most complete genealogies of scientific and mathematical subject areas?

3 votes

When was it first discovered (or comprehended) that air has weight?

3 votes

Who introduced the Principle of Mathematical Induction for the first time?

3 votes

When was the electronvolt first introduced?