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Mauricio's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

Why was the development of mathematics very slow between Ancient Greece and Descartes?

19 votes

Great battles in the history of mathematics

11 votes

What was Pierre-Simon Laplace's reaction to Young's double slit experiment?

11 votes

When did they begin to make left and right shoes?

8 votes

Use of eigenvalues of operators in quantum mechanics

7 votes

When was the geometric structure of a water molecule discovered?

7 votes

Aristotelian explanation of magnetism

7 votes

Works of scientists, philosophers and mathematicians that (re)surfaced after a long time

6 votes

Would they have known you can't go faster than light in 1790

6 votes

Origin of the name "Loschmidt echo" in quantum chaos studies

6 votes

"Équation de Maxwell-Thomson"

6 votes

Did John von Neumann solve any unsolved problem in mathematics?

6 votes

What are examples of theories in recent history of science and mathematics that were hold pretty long but turned out non-true?

6 votes

When was mercury given its name?

5 votes

Was fake/rigged data common prior to the 20th century?

5 votes

Did Newton's leap to understanding gravity involve cannonball thought experiments on a smooth Earth?

4 votes

Why aren't Nobel nomination archives updated more often?

4 votes

Were molecules called atoms in the 19th century?

4 votes

Component form of the fourth Maxwell's equation

4 votes

Why is the H theorem called the big Eta theorem?

3 votes

Did Hertz discover the concept of frequency and if so, how did Doppler think of frequency?

3 votes

Feynman learning technique

3 votes

What does the 'W.H.' stand for in 'J.H.W.H. Conway' in Knuth's book Surreal Numbers?

3 votes

Examples of when the professional scientists or mathematicians were wrong, but the nonprofessionals were right

3 votes

Did the earliest inklings of hyperbolic geometry come from medieval Islamic mathematicians?

3 votes

Who wrote the equation $c=\lambda\nu$ for the first time?

3 votes

Great scientists with chaotic private lives

3 votes

F = ma -- How was did we come to understand that this compact form expressed what Newton said in words?

2 votes

How were the values of permeability and permittivity derived?

2 votes

How was light polarization interpreted when first discovered?