Back in 1855 (published 1856) Weber and Kohlrausch noted that "the ratio of the absolute electromagnetic unit of charge to the absolute electrostatic unit of charge", in modern notation $\frac1{\sqrt{μ_0ε_0}}$, where $μ_0,ε_0$ are the magnetic permeability and electric permittivity of the vacuum, respectively, had the units of velocity, and determined experimentally that it was remarkably close to the speed of light, see references in Electromagnetic constants and the speed of light. Towards the end of 1861 Maxwell derived the general formula $v=\frac1{\sqrt{με}}$ for the electromagnetic propagation speed in a medium in part III of his paper On Physical Lines of Force, and suggested, in particular, that light was a form of electromagnetic radiation, see History of Maxwell's equations. It also resolved the issue of the speed of electromagnetic propagation in a medium.