Pi to 7 decimal digits is:
Many people are familiar with Pi day. Celebrated on March 14 as per American date format, the holiday brings attention to the fact that the date resembles the decimal value of the natural constant Pi. This year was notable in particular, as Pi was approximated to four decimal places when written in two-digit year date notation:
Reviewing the history of Pi and the history of the Gregorian calendar, it seems that Pi may have been known to sufficient digits to mark 3-14-1592
just as the relevant calendar was becoming available. Might there have been anybody involved with both projects, who may have noticed that the date matched Pi to six decimal places at the time? Since the seventh Pi digit is 6
, it would round up the previous digit. Therefore, for purposes of this question 3-14-1593
could also be a valid date.
Of course, hte premise of this question hinges on the use of the MM-DD-YYYY date format being in use. I cannot find any reference to this, so references supporting or denying usage of this date format would be appreciate.