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16 votes
3 answers

What are natural science concepts that were once thought the same, but grew to be distinguished?

The history of physics is full of examples of phenomena that used to be described independently, until additional insight proved they were the same thing. Some famous instances are motion of bullets ...
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Scientific discoveries that were made "late"

I'd like to ask a similar question from Math.SE for the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and allied disciplines). What are examples of scientific results that were discovered ...
Superbest's user avatar
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5 answers

Considered a breakthrough at its time – almost forgotten nowadays

In the comments on this question on Physics about the usefulness of expensive experiments such as the CERN, the following short discussion happened: Has there ever been a major basic science result ...
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Scientific progress claimed to be caused by dreaming

Kekulé, who discovered the chemical formula for benzene in 1865, claimed that he had guessed the ring formula with the alternating single and double bonds in a day-dream. Are there similar examples of ...
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