What's the history of the use of crude oil for transportation before the Industrial Revolution?
Wiktionary says the Latin word petroleum, from petra (“rock”) + oleum (“oil”), is medieval Latin, so presumably at least the medievals had uses for it.
What's the history of the use of crude oil for transportation before the Industrial Revolution?
Wiktionary says the Latin word petroleum, from petra (“rock”) + oleum (“oil”), is medieval Latin, so presumably at least the medievals had uses for it.
Indirect uses for transportation: "Petroleum is not a recent discovery, it was known to various ancient peoples in Asia, North Africa, Europe, and America where it seeped to the surface and was used in various forms for at least 70,000 years. It was most widely used to caulk ships, pave roads..." (History of Oil: Regions and Uses of Petroleum in the Classical and Medieval Periods)