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11 votes

Did Turing invent the imitation game? Did he name it?

After quite a bit of searching, I was unable to find any conclusive authoritative source that weighs in specifically on this question. [Though see EDIT below.] However, circumstantial evidence ...
Athanasius's user avatar
6 votes

Where does this quotation attributed to Turing actually originate from?

I have convinced myself that this quote is not by Alan Turing, much of this is indebted to kimchi lover's leads. The main issue here is that summary characterizations and paraphrases are misread as ...
Georg Essl's user avatar
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2 votes

Did Turing invent the imitation game? Did he name it?

In addition to the references cited in the answer provided by Athansius, I include the following quote from Erik Larson's, The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, which appears to offer additional ...
nwr's user avatar
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1 vote

Where does this quotation attributed to Turing actually originate from?

IMO, it is a "later elaboration" of a point discussed under bullet (5) Arguments from Various Disabilities (page 448-9) where Alan Turing discusses "The claim that “machines cannot make ...
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar

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